Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana
Jeu de Paume
March 22 — May 22, 2022

Group exhibition curated by Béatrice Gross and Katinka Bock
→ https://jeudepaume.org/en/evenement/fata-morgana/

This premiere, which occupies the entire building, is entrusted to Béatrice Gross, independent curator, with the artistic advice of Katinka Bock. The title chosen for this edition, “Fata Morgana”, refers to the exceptional phenomenon caused by the combination of mirages on the surface of the sea, whose refractions make suspended images of objects located below the horizon appear: it is therefore the singular sensitive realities conveyed by the contemporary image that the curators have chosen to explore.

“Fata Morgana” is a critical and poetic reflection on the concrete ways in which the visible appears, which is often more unstable and ambiguous than it seems. The multidisciplinary exhibition brings together, alongside photographs, films and video installations, sculptures, performances and sound pieces. It is a certain quality of attention to the sensitive world – rather than a theme, a movement or a generation – that is proposed. The title refers less to the trompe-l’oeil effect than to the learning of the eye, between wonder and deciphering.